About Us

Last reviews

Fabien Gosteaux noted

Very good food and very nice staff

Alba Aesthetic noted

Je suis habituée , et toujours aussi satisfaite on sent le fait maison , c’est extra bon et c’est propre même si on mange sur place on es bien accueillis ! J’aime beaucoup ! Bravo

Alba Aesthetic noted

I'm used to it, and still so satisfied, it feels homemade, it's extra good and it's clean, even if you eat on the spot, you're welcomed! I really like ! Cheer

Opening hours

  • Mon - Sun : 11h45-15h, 18h45-22h
  • Opens at 11:45

Royal de Strasbourg© 2024
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15 Boulevard de Strasbourg
93600 Aulnay-sous-bois, France

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